Landing vs Sales vs Squeeze Pages

Squeeze page vs Sales page vs Landing page


What’s a Squeeze page? What’s a Sales Page? What’s a Landing page?

Know the difference. It’s ok if you don’t, they are very similar and often used interchangeably.

Sometimes when you are listening to a webinar about how to grow your sales online or how to make your potential customers more aware of your brand you will receive the advice to create a Squeeze page or you Landing page needs to be optimised.
In itself that is not bad advice, especially if you are running a Google adwords or Facebook marketing campaign, you will need a relevant page for people to click through too.

But what do you need in the first place ?

A Landing page, Sales page or Squeeze page ?

And what is the difference between the three?

Lets start with a few definitions:-


Landing page :-

A landing page, sometimes also known as a lead page, or lander, it is the first page that a user lands on. This could be a sales page, home page, squeeze page or any other page associated with the site. If the link followed by the user is from an ad campaign it is usually an extension of the sales copy that appeared in the ad. It is used to develop the brand and the products or services that brand represents. It can and often does lead or contain a sign up page and will have navigation and links leading away to a sales or squeeze page.

Sales page :-

A sales page or a direct sales landing page contains sales copy, often in long form, with testimonials, multiple CTA’s (Call To Action) that lead not to another page but directly to the purchase, sign up or other conversion entry form. A sales page contains the information about your product, sometimes designed to lead the customer through a series of steps and ideas ( shortened version of a sales funnel) to generate trust, ie Testimonials, Business brands using the product, etc in order to have the customer commit to a sale. Sales pages often will not have any links/menus leading away from the page but this is not always the case.


Squeeze page :-

A Squeeze page is a created with the sole purpose of soliciting the user to enter their email address in an opt-in database. It is a single web page with no exit links at all. The copy is generally short with the majority of the information above the fold. It is used to pre-qualify a potential customer and usually offers a bonus or free offering for giving sign up details.


Of course there are hybrids of all three out to be found in the wild. For instance the Sales/Squeeze combination page is an effective tool in converting people

So how do you choose which page to use and what content to include ?

That comes down to the ultimate goal of the page and what you and your business needs to achieve. Are you looking to grow your mailing list or are you running an Google ad campaign that needs a sales page that converts ?


Mailchimp, Aweber and other email database collection apps offer integration into the most popular frameworks used to develop websites.  An example of a well designed, to the point squeeze page is below from


An example of a squeeze page from
An example of a squeeze page from


This page gets to the point straight away, and puts the sign up button in plain site with a clear Call to Action -“Learn French”



On the other hand if you are looking at converting a user into a sale or commitment to purchase then a long form sales page would be more appropriate. With a Sales page you are converting a visitor/lead to a customer/purchaser and so need to provide several different forms of persuasion. Usually the benefits are highlighted first followed by some social proof, testimonials, to show how your product has been and is in use by other peers. Next a list of the features that your product and service provides. with all of this interspersed with Call to Actions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]An example of a long form page


unbounce sales page example
unbounce sales page example



Further Research[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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